Model Conversion

This describes how Magql-SQLAlchemy will inspect and convert a SQLAlchemy model class to a GraphQL object and operation fields.


The object name will be the same as the model class’s name. For example, UserProfile. This is used as the type name in the check_delete query and search result items as well.

The operation field names will be prefixed with the model class’s name converted from CamelCase to snake_case. For example, user_profile_create.

The model_list query field returns a container object to represent the list of rows as well as the total row count for pagination. For example, UserProfileListResult.

If a column has a SQLAlchemy enum type, it will create a Magql enum type with the name as the model class name and field name joined in CamelCase, like UserProfileFavoriteColor.

Column Types

For each column, a Magql scalar type will be chosen for the field and argument. This uses isinstance checks, so subclass types like Text will still become String. If a SQLAlchemy type is not recognized, String is used.

Primary keys and foreign keys use their real type rather than the magql.ID type.

If the column is not nullable and does not have a default, then it is wrapped in magql.NonNull appropriately for field and argument types.


For each relationship, a field will be generated on the object with the type of the related model’s object. To-one relationships will be single objects, to-many relationships will be wrapped in magql.List.

Relationships are also available as arguments to the model_create and model_update mutation fields. In this case, they accept primary key value (or values), and validate that the referenced rows exists.

When querying and selecting nested objects and fields across relationships, Magql-SQLAlchemy will generate efficient eager loads for the selected relationships. This means SQLAlchemy will emit a minimal number of queries to load all data. You can observe this by turing echo=True on for your SQLAlchemy engine.


Two types of validators are automatically generated as needed:

  • For each column marked unique=True, and for each UniqueConstraint that applies to one or more columns, a validator will check that the values given during create or update are unique. The validator can handle multiple columns, defaults, and existing values for partial update. See UniqueValidator.

  • For each relationship, a validator will check that the given primary keys exist, for to-one and to-many relationships. See ItemExistsValidator and ListExistsValidator.


Descriptions are automatically taken from docstrings:

  • A model docstring is used as the object description.

  • An attribute docstring is used as the field, create, and update argument descriptions.

class Task(Model):
    """A task describes work to be done."""

    __tablename__ = "task"
    id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
    description: Mapped[str]
    """What to do."""
    user_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(ForeignKey(
    user: Mapped[User] = relationship()
    """The user doing the task."""

Standard Display Value

The generated object will have a _display_value field which calls str(model). This is useful for links to related objects in a UI, since it is a common field that all models will have. The search and check_delete queries do the same thing with their generic results.

For example, to display users with their username, override the __str__ method.

class User(Model):
    __tablename__ = "user"
    id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
    username: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(unique=True)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.username